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Play Horsemania game now

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Lorem ipsum dolor amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do 

eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

How it works 4
프로필 이미지
조회 29

MATIC BLOCKCHAIN offers something innovative in terms of the Safu contract.

프로필 이미지
조회 23

HORSEMANIA token(HMC) is rewarded to users in the game, and in-game purchases are also made in $HMC tokens.

프로필 이미지
조회 26

Yes, HMC tokens will be tradable on different exchanges; rewards earned from the game can be withdrawn by sending a withdrawal request in the game.

프로필 이미지
조회 28

Yes, it’s free to download and play. We will offer optional in-app purchases for different packages and additional assets.

Horsemania Games 
New Open Event

Pick the fastest horse and nurture it to win 

the competition to increase the value of the horse

Horsemania New NFT Released

Art 2

Category : Art 2

Price : 0.7 ETH

Watch a NFT

: fierce competition : 3 racehorses

This NFT represents the speed at which three racehorses prove their desire to be No. 1 in a fierce competition and their best The riders on horseback were also dynamically well expressed

Horsemania New NFT Released

Art 3

Category : Art 2

Price : 0.5 ETH

Watch a NFT

Play Horsemania Game now

Scan the right 

QR code

Horsemania New NFT 


Art 2

Category : Art2

Price : 0.7 ETH

Watch a NFT

: fierce competition : 3racehorses

This NFT represents the speed at which three racehorses prove their desire to be No.1 in a fierce competition and their best The riders on horseback were also dynamically well expressed